SIVANDIVAN touring Doc Lounge clubs!
Sivandivan, or Revenge of the Diva, is directed by Gustav Ahlgren and Emelie Jönsson, features one of our most charismatic and eccentric characters of the season - Siv Wennberg. Siv was destined to be the opera world's next big thing back in the 1970s. She sang Wagner and Verdi in Stockholm, performed at Covent Garden in London and Bolshoi in Moscow. And then, suddenly, it was all over. Told in three acts like a true opera, 'The Revenge of the Diva' follows the ageing prima donna, as she tries to release her old concert recordings, publish her autobiography and organise her last major performance.
Sivandivan is touring Swedish Doc Lounge clubs this spring, bringing along both the directors and the star herself!
This is a chance not to be missed! Find your nearest sceening below:
Doc Lounge Helsingborg, 2019-04-03
Doc Lounge Göteborg, 2019-04-10
Doc Lounge Malmö, 2019-04-16
Kristianstad, Kulturkvarteret (Doc Lounge Pop Up) 2019-04-16
Doc Lounge Lund, 2019-04-25