
Punk Voyage Swedish premiere is just around the corner

On the 6th of February the premiere week for Punk Voyage kicks off when the tour bus with Finland’s most loved punk band, Pertti Kurkikan Nimipäivät, arrives to Doc Lounge. We are more than excited that our first official documentary distribution is almost here!

Punk Voyage have been getting standing ovations when launched in Finland. Now it’s finally time for us and the rest of the Swedish crowd to see what it’s all about during a launching tour all over the country. The film lets us follow the band during an unforgettable journey, filled with laughter, tears and drama.

We are more than happy to host the band, the main characters of the movie, the directors and the whole crew for the big Doc Lounge Malmö event on the 6th of February! On the same night screenings of the film will be held at nine other venues around Sweden with an exclusive live stream from the event in Malmö. See all the places who will live stream on the 6th here!

On the 8th of February the bus takes the stars of the movie up to Stockholm for a grand gala premiere at Bio Rio followed by more cinema viewings around the country. See the list of all the cities in Sweden who will be screening Punk Voyage and read more about our premiere week here! (The list will be updated as more and more cinemas book the film.)

List of press writing about Punk Voyage

The swedish release and distribution of Punk Voyage is a collaboration with Mouka Filmi, Auto Images and Folkets Hus och Parker.