Outdoor documentaries with Doc Lounge Stockholm
The regular Doc Lounge season is coming to and end, but that doesn't mean Doc Lounge is on a break. Our club in Stockholm is keeping it up by screening documentaries outdoors. June 15 and 16 Doc Lounge Stokholm hosts a documentary festival at the club Trädgården in Stockholm. The festival has a clear focus on the 90s and celebrates the false and the grand identities of the era. The documentaries screened during the two days are: Dream Girls (Kim Longinotto), The Alcohol Years (Carol Marley), Dirty Girls (Michael Lucid) and Madonna: Truth or Dare (Alek Keshian). Besides the screenings, Trädgården is gonna be filled with art, music and performance, amongst DIY grunge, faux drag performance and inflateable furniture.
Read more about the event and get the full program on Facebook.
Keep an eye open for more Doc Lounge outdoors screenings during summer!