
New Project Manager at Doc Lounge Gothenburg

We are delighted that Johanna Molin has joined the Doc Lounge family as the new project manager for one of our longest standing clubs - Doc Lounge Gothenburg. Johanna came to visit us a few weeks ago at head office in Malmö and we took the opportunity to find out a little more about her plans and share them with you! 

Hey Johanna! Welcome! Can you tell us all a bit about your background and how you ended up at Doc Lounge?

I have always loved documentary films and how they help us to discuss important topics. I have followed Doc Lounge's work for some years and like the concept, so when I saw that they where looking for a new project manager here in Gothenburg I took the opportunity to apply for the job. I was working at Göteborg Film Festval at the time and, as I knew it would soon be time for me to move on, Doc Lounge felt like a perfect match. 

What's your vision for the future of Doc Lounge Gothenburg?

My vision is that Doc Lounge Göteborg will be really well known in the city, I want to double the audience and make new collaborations with key organisations in the region. My goal is also that all documentary filmmakers based in Gothenburg want to have their premieres at Doc Lounge GBG. It should be natural and obvious to screen with us, as we are the only stage in Gothenburg that is completely focused on celebrating, sharing, and promoting documentary.  

What are you looking forward to most in this season's programme? 

This season we have a lot of strong women portrayed. SONITA is a very strong film, about a young girl wanting to be a rapper in Iran where it is forbidden for women to sing. And DREAMCATCHER is one of this years most talked about film, by Kim Loginotto. A very hope giving film, about prostituted women living in Chicago and Brenda Mayers-Powell who has made it her goal to help them. If you don't see it at Doc Lounge, you have to see this film somehow this year! Now I'm looking forward to the rest of this Spring's program and we are going to screen at least one Gothenburg-based filmmaker's documentary, so I'm really happy about that - stay tuned on our website and Facebook for more details of the program to be announced. 

Thanks Johanna - awesome to have you on board. Looking forward to seeing some great new films, events and partnerships at Doc Lounge Gothenburg this year. 

If you want to get in touch with Johanna you can reach her on [email protected]

And remember to like their facebook for more updates! www.facebook.com/docloungegoteborg