Kim Longinotto visits Doc Lounge for masterclass and Swedish premier of Dreamcatcher
Last night, the Award winning director from London Kim Longinotto, visited Doc Lounge Malmö to hold an exciting an inspirational masterclass for filmstudents and public just before the Swedish premier of her last film Dreamctahcer. Kim Longinotto also visited Doc Lounge Lund to introduce the screening of the film at Mejeriet.
Tonight Kim will meet the audience in Helsingborg at the big opening night of the 19th Doc Lounge club - Doc Lounge Helsingborg.
Doc Lounge has previosly screened Rough Aunties and Pink Saris directed by Kim Longinotto.
Dreamcaccher is shown at Doc Lounge as a part of Moving Docs. Moving Docs is an EDN initiative supported by Creative Europe and Region Skåne.