Doc Lounge hosts film breakfast at Climate Festival
This week, Sweden’s biggest climate festival, the award winning ”Klimatfestivalen” is taking over Malmö. The festival provides a range of activities, lectures, markets and live shows, focusing on different aspects on the environmental issues while constantly including a lot of fun, love and culture in the programme.
For the second year in a row Doc Lounge is hosting a film breakfast during the festivals final day, this year with a Doc Lounge favorite: the danish Good Things Await. The screening starts with a great breakfast for all participants and ends with an interesting talk on biodynamic and sustainable farming. The guests includes the director of the film – Phie Ambo, journalist Lena Friblick and is moderated by actor/ environmental activist Jonas Bane.
If you're in Malmö on Saturday morning we hope to see you there!
You can read more about the event here! (in swedish)