Ambulante's program director visiting Doc Lounge HQ
This week, Meghan Monsour, program director at Mexico's biggest documentary filmfestival Ambulante, visited Doc Lounge's head office in Malmö to attend a Doc Lounge event, learn more about how we work and to talk about future collaborations. It’s been great having her here, we’ve all learned a lot and we look forward to her next visit!
Ambulante is currently the largest documentary film festival in Mexico. Each year, Ambulante organizes an international film festival that tours Mexico for three months. Ambulante presents over 100 documentaries in 12 cities, invites more than 100 guests from Mexico and abroad, and holds screenings in over 150 venues. Ambulante’s objective is to promote documentary film within Mexico and reach a broader audience by screening films in a wide array of venues.
Our co-director Maja Lindquist attended Ambulante in three differnt Mexican cities (Mexico City, Morelia och Saltillo) this spring, with the support of Swedish Filminstitute's educational fund.