She Said Boom: The Story of Fifth Column
Kevin Hegge, 64 min, Canada.“All Women Are Bitches” was not a chart topper, but it represented a significant thread in Toronto’s musical tapestry thanks to the all-female art punk band Fifth Column. Former band members recall the 1980s queer art punk scene and their progressive efforts to unite music, film and zine culture to challenge conventional art practice, gender roles and femininity. Archival films from the influential alt-cinema/production collective the Funnel complement present day interviews with Caroline Azar, Beverly Breckenridge, GB Jones and Bruce la Bruce. The band’s memories of the fun and feuds that fueled their creativity and built their reputations connect to the later Riot Grrrl movement. Most enlightening may be what was Toronto’s first zine war, where rivals battled it out through handcrafted photocopies. Three decades may heal old wounds but clearly a few scars remain. Kevin Hegge pays homage to a bygone era while keeping the indie spirit alive.