Filmen Jag Inte Pratar Om Längre
Jesper Ganslandt, Martin Degrell, 72 min, Sweden.Malmö, Sweden, 2001. For your entrepreneur Casey, everything is possible. After returning home from New Zeeland and The Lord of the Rings-production, he's convinced that film is the way forward. He gathers his friends, scavenges a couple of millions from the ruins of the IT-boom and throws himself into a motion picture project - a project that is never finished.
FIlmen jag inte pratar om längre (The Film I'm No Longer Talking About) is a documentary about the ability to dream and the art of failing. Martin Degrell and Jesper Gansland dives heads first into the crumbled film project and talk to the people that were involved in order to get a perspective into what really happened. Was the project doomed from the start? Was it typical for the times, or just the result of young, naive creativity? The documentary is an examination of self-delusion, group psychology, innocent dreams and shattered illusions.