Alltmedan stjärnorna föds och dör
Hans-Erik Therus, 58 min, Sweden.In 1977, the punk band Dag Vag made sure that everybody knew their name. Back then, the band members categorized their music as "Transcontinental Rockreggae" while the media and press praised them as the new Swedish punk. For a number of years they toured around Sweden and since then, 7 albums have been produced. They have a big place in the heart of Swedish punk rock and has played key role in the Swedish music industry.
Dag Vag was an important band for me in the late 70's and early 80's. I had not listened to them for a long time when I accidentally heard the song "Music". When I heared it I relized that no one made any films about this amazing and hugly influential band "- Hans-Erik Therus, director
The band's singer and founder Stig Vig passed away in 2012. In the film we get to expierince both the beguning and the end of the band. We get to see parties, magical music performance, fights and sorrow. The film gives us unique fotage from private archives and encounters with remaining members of the band and friends.
Photo: Eva Axlund