Ai Wei Wei - The Fake Case

Andreas Johnsen, 79 min, Denmark.

"Should there really more documentaries about the world's currently most famous political artist - Chinese dissident Ai Wei Wei? Yes one can say after seeing The Fake Case, named after the tax charges against him the other year. The Danish documentary becomes a kind of sequel to the last Wei Wei film, Never Sorry, when Andreas Johnsen through unique access must follow the Buddha Similar artist impertinently in his house arrest in Beijing. A solid film, although it does not really clarify the conflict with the authorities - as Kafka Magnificent towering in every detail - or go in depth with artistry, gives a human look behind the headlines. "
Hynek Pallas, GIFF 

In April 2011, kidnapped artist Ai Weiwei by Chinese authorities and held at a secret location in 81 days. When he was finally released, he is placed under house arrest and is a shadow of its former self. He suffers from insomnia, memory loss and constant monitoring by cameras in his home and studio. In addition to this, he suddenly sued by the Chinese authorities, and a lawsuit that will soon be called "The Fake Case" has begun. Amidst all Ai Weiwei finds the strength to create art that will challenge and provoke the authorities and he refuses to stop fighting for human rights.