Doc Lounge Lund


Gary Hustwit, 85 min, USAUK, 2011


Regissörsbesök och förfilm!

För tredje året i rad samarbetar vi med ArchFilmLund och i år är festivalens tema New York och cykeln i staden. Doc Lounge- kvällen bjuder som vanligt på både det ena och det andra.

FÖRFILM: The Invisble Bicycle Helmet av Fredrik Gertten (SV, 2012, 3 min) Design  students Anna and Terese took on a giantchallenge as an exam project. Something no one had done before. If they could swing it, it would for sure be revolutionary. The bicycle is a tool to change the world. If we use bikes AND travel safe: Life will be better for all.

//Besök av och samtal med Fredrik Gertten och de två huvudpersonerna i filmen Anna och Terese.//

HUVUDFILM: Urbanized (USA/UK 2011, 85 min) av Gary Hustwit

Who is allowed to shape our cities, and how do they do it? Unlike many other fields of design, cities aren’t created by any one specialist or expert. There are many contributors to urban change, including ordinary citizens who can have a great impact improving the cities in which they live. By exploring a diverse range of urban design projects around the world, Urbanized frames a global discussion on the future of cities.

Over half the world’s population now lives in an urban area, and 75% will call a city home by 2050. But while some cities are experiencing explosive growth, others are shrinking. The challenges of balancing housing, mobility, public space, civic engagement, economic development, and environmental policy are fast becoming universal concerns. Yet much of the dialogue on these issues is disconnected from the public domain.

Urbanized is a documentary about the design of cities, which looks at the issues and strategies behind urban design and features some of the world’s foremost architects, planners, policymakers, builders, and thinkers. Urbanized is the third film in Gary Hustwit’s trilogy. (Helvetica, Objectified & Urbanized).

DJ: Musikarkitekten Klas A.M. Eriksson bygger ljudbilden.

EXTRA: Med kvällens två filmer som utgångspunkt samtalar Klas A.M.Eriksson  om urbana trender och nyurbanism  med Inga Hallén – stadsbyggnadsdirektör Lund, Marco Pusterla – arkitekt Fojab, Per Svensson – journalist Sydsvenskan och Mats Hultman – forskare Lunds universitet

MAT: Ät din middag på Doc Lounge. Vi serverar alltid en vegetarisk soppa  med bröd  för 69 kr. I baren säljs det också vin, öl, kaffe mm.