Doc Lounge Odense

Spartacus & Cassandra

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Vi vender tilbage efter længere hiatus med Spartacus og Cassandra, som beretter den hjerteskærende historie om de to Romabørn Spartacus og Cassandra.

Thirteen-year-old Spartacus and ten-year-old Cassandra are Roma siblings taken in by Camille, a young trapezist who starts a circus on the outskirts of Paris. 
Brother and sister find a sense of belonging under the big top, and begin attending school. 
When the circus folds, the French state and the children’s parents wage a tug-of-war over custody, and the kids are forced to make the impossible choice between foster care with Camille or life on the run with mom and dad. 
Harrowing rows, teary phone calls and tense meetings between the children and their parents reveal the love, jealousy and deep disappointment that runs through—and threatens to ruin—their relationships. 
Profound insights from Spartacus and Cassandra about their complete reversal of the parent-child dynamic anchor this visually stunning and emotionally enlightening look at children forced to take on enormous adult responsibilities.