Doc Lounge Lund

Planet of Snail

Seung-Jun Yi, 90 min, South KoreaJapan, 2011

Planet of Snail

Doc Lounge presenterar stolt IDFA- vinnaren!

LOVE IS TOUCH! Planet of Snail går inte att beskriva, den måste upplevas.

DJ: Designstudenten Hyunah Kim och  välfärdsforskaren  Jayeon Lee från Korea kommer och förgyller rummet med koreanska toner.

BONUS! I en miniworkshop  erbjuder vi möjligheten att lära dina fingrar att tala samma språk som som Young-Chan och Soon-Ho gör i filmen  med hjälp av en Ipad. I samarbete med M Store. Har du en egen Ipad? Ta med den!

MAT: Ät din middag på Doc Lounge.  Kvällen till ära serverar vi en soppa inspirerad av koreansk matkultur. 
 TID: Dörrarna öppnar 19.00  Film ca 20.00 PLATS: Mejeriet, Stora Södergatan 64 ENTRÉE: 60 kr eller Guldkort  (fri entré hela våren)  300 kr


I come from planet of snail where people communicate by touching each other. We call ourselves “snails” because we cannot hear or see and our lives are as slow as the snails. Now I live on earth where time runs so fast which makes me hard to follow the life of the earthmen.When I first came to the earth, I was desperate because there was nothing I could do. However, an angel came into my life and I discovered a beautiful world that I can read under my fingers. Everything around me started changing. Hopes started replacing despairs and I started challenging for my long delayed dream. Now my heart is full of hope and I know there will be so much more I can do in this world: The reason for my life.

Deaf and blind since childhood, young Korean Young-Chan’s most important sense is touch – just like a snail. His lonely life, with limited opportunities for communication with his surroundings, changes instantly when he meets Soon-Ho, who suffers from a debilitating spinal disease. She becomes his “eyes and ears” and the two form an extremely close bond. With her help and the use of a special Braille translator, Young-Chan starts studying literature and writing prose and poetry. Over two years of filming, Korean director Seung-Jun Yi became good friends with the pair; her film offers an unusually intimate portrait of lovebirds who communicate through finger-tapping. In a visually impressive manner their harmonious relationship is captured, offering unique testimony to the power of love and the will to overcome obstacles that even a healthy person would find insurmountable.

This film won the VPRO IDFA Award for Best Feature-Length Documentary at Amsterdam’s IDFA documentary film festival last year.

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